
Volunteering abroad: An activity you should be doing!

Translated by Anastasia Tsitsani

Based on the original article in Greek by Αλεξάνδρα Κουτσουβά

Have you ever thought about the positive elements of being a volunteer abroad? Have you ever asked yourself how helpful you can be to other people? Or how much you can personally gain? If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, then this article can enlighten you and prevent any possible doubts that might discourage you from participating in any volunteer programs abroad!

Volunteer opportunities!

Volunteer abroad programs are at their peak right now. It is possible to find opportunities for volunteering in whichever field one likes. For example, these opportunities may regard volunteering at any international organization, with the volunteer gaining a very important experience for their career. Moreover, it might have to do with volunteering in a developing country.

Personal gain

Without a doubt, the volunteers will be the ones gaining the most from this experience. First of all, they will come in contact with people of different nationalities and mentalities, they will learn about their habits and their way of living. It is an opportunity for them to learn how to be part of a team and work with strangers in order to reach a specific common goal. Volunteering abroad can also offer the volunteer the possibility of discovering their personal limits and their strengths, since they will have to give without receiving, all the while being away from their family and friends. Adaptability and patience are key when it comes to attempting volunteering abroad.  


Let’s focus, though, on volunteering in a developing country. Depending on their knowledge and skills, or even regardless of these elements, a volunteer can contribute to the prosperity of a developing country via various ways: teaching English or any other foreign language to school students, offering first aid to people that are in need, or even participating in daily local tasks; the help given is always priceless. If one takes into consideration the amount of schools and medical centers that have been built thanks to the contribution of volunteers, they can easily realize the importance of volunteerism.

Psychological benefits

Other than the positive effects of volunteerism for the people in need, it is worth noting the psychological benefits gained by the volunteer through this experience. Seeing the smile form on other people’s faces is the biggest satisfaction one can get through volunteerism. On one hand, you will realize the value that these goods, most of the time taken for granted, have. For example, water is a necessity for developing countries. Their people need to fight daily in order to obtain it.

On the other hand, you will realize the excessive importance we give to material things and how dependent we are on technology and its development. 

Volunteering can be a great chance for someone to redefine their priorities and understand what really matters in life!

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