The importance of volunteerism
Translated by Louiza Parnou
Based on the original article in Greek by Αργυρώ Κασώτη
Every volunteer has experienced the intense feelings of happiness and success that come as a result of the team effort. There is no specific reason why someone volunteers. Volunteerism is a lifestyle choice, that comes from within; the desire to contribute to the community by offering services free of charge and by making good use of the time allotted.
Volunteerism is a public-spirited offer that contributes to the total welfare of the society.The most usual volunteering activities of the society usually concern anything that we interact with, as the environment and the animals. Nowadays, due to the financial crisis and the rising tide of immigration, volunteerism has turned interest to human-centered initiatives.
Participating in volunteering actions that are associated with the civil society helps the people feel as members of the community they live in. Through volunteerism they try either to create better life conditions for their fellow men who are in need, or a viable environment for all. Anybody who is involved in volunteering programs derives a lot of benefits from these actions. More specifically they are able to:
Recognise and deploy personal skills.
Collaborate with other members and work effectively in a group.
Organize the work and achieve their goals.
Interact with new people and come to know new cultures and civilizations.
Broaden their horizons by learning new things for life and the environment we live in.
Develop social skills, form new friendly relationships and new collaborations.
Through their experiences, they learn how important it is to contribute to the environment we live in, so as to improve daily living conditions.
The volunteers are taught how to interact with the community and respect its members.
It is without a shadow of doubt an exceptional experience for their career.
It features the value of collaboration within the groups through the elimination of competition.
When people choose to offer, they are overwhelmed with love and respect for the fellow men and the community as a whole. However, there is a thin line between selfless offer and unwaged job. All volunteers should first and foremost respect themselves. At the same time, all entities who accept volunteers should show respect to volunteers’ generous offer and by no means exploit it by exceeding the amount of proposed services.Volunteerism exalts the values and the high ideals of human beings and it is the key element through which solidarity and altruism can be profound.
Αν επιθυμείς να διεκδικήσεις υποτροφίες στην Ελλάδα ή το εξωτερικό, ο Οδηγός Υποτροφιών του citycampus που μόλις κυκλοφόρησε σου προσφέρει ό,τι χρειάζεσαι!
Θέλεις να ενημερώνεσαι έγκυρα και κυρίως έγκαιρα με το πάτημα ενός κουμπιού; Κατέβασε την εφαρμογή μας από το Playstore ( και διάβασε όλα τα νέα άρθρα εύκολα και γρήγορα!