How can we cope with the after-effects of the pandemic?

Translated by Anastasia Tsitsani

Βased on the original article translated in Greek by Giota Diamanti

The world after the pandemic is going to be completely different; large deficit, more distancing and much more digital. In this new world order, in the post-coronavirus era, many things have changed, not only regarding socializing and human interaction, but also the economy and our everyday routines. Social distancing does protect our health, but it also creates problems concerning the job market and the university studies. But the question is: How could a student of today’s society outface these changes?

Work – technology

First of all, telework and the use of technological tools has now become essential when it comes to our daily life and working. Thus, ICT, meaning basic technological knowledge but also more specialized tasks, such as e-commerce, online advertising, web design and digital services, is considered more necessary than ever. Even though today’s work does not have a contractual form and most of it is done online, students can see this as an opportunity to use their IT skills and have an income providing online services. They can also help neighboring or smaller shops get a digital form and start receiving their orders online!

Studies- personal growth possibilities

The fact that Universities give online lessons has various positive aspects. First of all, first year students do not need to rent a house in the city in which they are going to study. That way they will be able to save money. Moreover, since all lessons are online, there is more free time in order to do something else that might interest you, contrary to when you didn’t have the time. This could be taking up a sport, a hobby or even learning a foreign language or specializing in a certain field, which will be useful for the future. After all, time is money as they say!

Having fun at home – saving up

But life isn’t only work and study… Night outs and nightlife might be restricted due to our new reality, but this does not mean that you can’t have fun with your friends at home or elsewhere! It is known that students do not need to be at a fancy bar in order to have fun; all they need is good company and their spontaneity! So, you could organize night-ins with pizza, movies and games. You could also go for walks, camp, have bonfire nights filled with good food and music. Be sure that, this way, the consequences of the pandemic will not affect you at the slightest!

Θέλεις να σπουδάσεις στο εξωτερικό και δεν έχεις σε ποιον να απευθυνθείς; Μπες στο, κάνε εγγραφή και λύσε όλες σου τις απορίες σήμερα!

Αν επιθυμείς να διεκδικήσεις υποτροφίες στην Ελλάδα ή το εξωτερικό, ο Οδηγός Υποτροφιών του Citycampus που μόλις κυκλοφόρησε σου προσφέρει ό,τι χρειάζεσαι!

Θέλεις να ενημερώνεσαι έγκυρα και κυρίως έγκαιρα με το πάτημα ενός κουμπιού; Κατέβασε την εφαρμογή μας από το Playstore ( και διάβασε όλα τα νέα άρθρα εύκολα και γρήγορα!