#Foititips: 5 Ways to Become a Morning Person
Translated by Maria Oikonomou
Based on the original text by Christina Tsipi
Do you hate waking up early in the morning?
Most of us yes. The truth is that it is not the easiest thing in the world. Waking up at 5 o’ clock in the morning, when others are asleep and it is dark outside, does not sound particularly tempting. It requires sacrifice and you should be willing to make it. However, if you manage to get out of bed, the benefits are many. Not only you will improve your productivity and your way of thinking, but also your physical condition. So, how will you become a morning person?
Organize your morning habits from the previous night
Having decided why you want to wake up early in the morning, start planning your first moves as organized as you can. Tips: Try to find the next day’s outfit, which for many is quite time consuming. Equip your fridge with ready-made food that does not require special preparation, such as yogurt, cereal muesli and sandwich.
Find the alarm clock that suits you and avoid using your mobile phone
According to a study published by the National Academy of Sciences, in 2015, using a mobile phone just before you fall asleep can affect your sleep. More specifically, avoid using your cell phone before lying down. Social media, communication, information and the light emission through the devices stimulate the brain and do not let you calm down and enjoy your sleep.
So, instead of choosing your mobile phone as an alarm clock, choose a melodic sound to wake up, if the already existing sound in the alarm clock annoys you.
Do not forget to hydrate
One of our first moves before we start our day is hydration. Our brain needs water after sleep to be able to release the right hormones to speed up our energy to start our day.
Make your bed
“If you want to change the world , start making your bed” were some of the words of Admiral William McRaven addressed in a speech in 2014. A source of inspiration for many people! So, if you are one of those people who do not make their bed, then it is time to change that. If you make your bed, you will have completed the first task of the day. This will give you a sense of pride and help you complete your next tasks.
Decide why you want to be a morning person
Most of us find it hard waking up in the morning, thinking about the difficult day at work, the annoying employer or co-worker, the day-to-day responsibilities. As a result, we fall into the trap of doing nothing. So, schedule your day. Seize it, achieve your goals and live as you wish and as if it were the last.
So, if you want to belong to the so-called “the 5 am club“, follow the above tips.