3+1 Ways to Make Friends during first day of University
Translated by Elisavet Kechagia
Based on the original article in Greek by Γιώτα Διαμαντή
Congratulations! You were accepted by a university. However, it is located in another town meaning you have to leave the warmth and protection of your family home behind alongside with your friends and classmates. Now what? Perhaps questions such as “Will I make new friends? How should I approach my fellow students? Will we connect?” have already started forming in your head. Relax. We have prepared an advice kit that will transform you into the dearest and most popular of friends! To get started, one of the most important things that you need to remember is that the first day at university, or first days in general, are crucial, so you need to make the most of them. Let’s find out the rest!
Welcoming Ceremony
There are plenty of departments out there that organize a welcoming ceremony for all freshmen in the beginning of the academic year. I know that 9 in the morning is early, but don’t even think of sleeping in. Just go! Once you are there, you will have both the opportunity and the time to meet plenty of your fellow students and start a conversation about the university, where they come from… Don’t hesitate to ask even for their number or social media so as to make meeting arrangements. In other words, don’t hesitate to connect. Furthermore, the first lesson is best known for meeting large numbers of people over coffee and learning more about each other, rather than actually learning something. If someone hasn’t suggested it already, don’t be shy and seize the opportunity to ask them yourself out on a coffee, or lunch at the student cafeteria which will definitely prove useful later on!
Social networking
Another strategic move is to organize your year’s group on social media! This way you will all keep in touch, post news and share information on the school’s happenings, and of course, everyone will get to know who the administrator is!
Student Political Parties
There will be LOTS of parties of course, but here we are talking about a different kind of party, one that includes meeting with your fellow students in order to share notes, talk about protests and much more! During your first days you will notice many party representatives coming your way. If you are politically minded and like to fight for the university’s common good, then there is certainly a spot reserved for you among them.
Student Clubs
Of course you cannot miss the student clubs: every university has its own and they can range from music, social, to even fine arts clubs, meeting all interests. The fliers are literally all over the place, so choose something that sparks your interest and make the most of it! Dance clubs in particular are many and be it on traditional, modern or latin dances, they are all fun oriented and tend to attract people who are all about parties and organizing events!
Either way, you still have to attend university, especially during the first day, so don’t just stand there behind your phone-screen! Talk to your fellow students, go to the cafeteria and make plans for a night out at the hottest club in town, or the most popular student cafe. All in all, suggest places that they will definitely want to visit. It doesn’t take much: just be approachable and open. You are not the first freshman out there and certainly not the last!
Αν επιθυμείς να διεκδικήσεις υποτροφίες στην Ελλάδα ή το εξωτερικό, ο Οδηγός Υποτροφιών του Citycampus που μόλις κυκλοφόρησε σου προσφέρει ό,τι χρειάζεσαι!