Different learning styles

Translated by Nancy Panagoulopoulou

Based on the original article in Greek by Christina Triantafillou

The process of learning

Have you ever wondered how and when we started learning? We all get various stimuli from the moment we are born. We learn to speak our first words, read, walk, and communicate with others. Learning is a continuous process, during which people constantly rediscover themselves and the world.

By looking carefully at people, we can easily figure out that each one learns in many and different ways. Learning is multifaceted. It requires the activation of the senses and movements in different ways and combinations. Actually, it has been found that it is easier or more difficult for us to learn, depending on the manner in which something is being learned.

The use of different learning styles is a new approach to learning new skills and subjects, thus making the path to learning even more accessible.

What are the different types of learners?

By researching the different learning styles, one will be sure to find the seven following types of learners:

Visual  type of learner

That is the case of people learning through images, colors, photographs and diagrams, meaning that their visual sense is quite developed. Specifically, they have the ability to visualize objects, patterns and images related to the thing they are trying to learn. Also, by having an exceptional understanding of space, it is very hard for them to get lost, as they can easily remember the places they have visited.

Auditory type of learner

This learner enjoys learning through hearing a sound or music in general. They have a very lucid and clear way of thinking, while they enjoy their favorite music or background sound. Any piece of information that can be transmitted aurally, combined with music and live narration, can catch that learner’s attention.

Verbal type of learner

Different learning stylesDo you like to express yourself using oral or written speech? Are you fascinated by words? Then you are probably a verbal type of learner. If you are a linguistics lover, you learn by including any new piece of knowledge in written or spoken word. In that case, words possess enormous “power” and can transform learning into a fun game of linguistics.

Kinesthetic type of learner

If you notice someone learning through movement and senses, then they probably are a kinesthetic type of learner. This type involves communicating a lot with body language, facial expressions and hand movements. These people learn easier when they “match” a movement with a new skill.

Logical type of learner

If somebody uses their mind to make logical and mathematical thoughts, then they probably have the ability to connect pieces of information that initially seem unable to be defined or lacking importance, but are deeply meaningful. Learning through logical association and sequencing of facts, they can solve any problem they are faced with. In that way, a logical approach makes learning possible for this learner.

Interpersonal type of learner

There is also the type of people that achieve learning and discovery of new pieces of knowledge, while interacting with other people. When someone is a member of a group, they can learn with no fear, as they feel that they are reaching towards the same goal with other people. They interact with their team in order to reach their final goal without feeling that they are facing any obstacles.

Solitary type of learner

Meanwhile, we often see that successful learning is achieved through lonely but independent work. There are many people that feel comfortable working towards knowledge by themselves. This often allows them to self-evaluate and push themselves to better comprehend what they are trying to learn.

People can find themselves in many of these types of learners. Learning is a lifelong search that can be carried off in many ways. One only needs to observe every individual and their preferred way of understanding.

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