Career stagnation: What is it and how to move past it?
Original article in Greek by Christina Goura
Translated by Dafni Manti
It occurs quite often that someone works hard but still feels unappreciated and stagnant professionally. Still, there is no need to worry because in this article you can find information about the possible causes of these feelings as well as solutions that can bring change.
Stagnant professionally: Perhaps an attitude change?
Many times a person can be stagnant in the workplace without realizing it. This can result from a number of factors. The first and most basic factor is that they see work as a necessity and simply dwell on the stability it provides. As a result they do not seek something better, but settle for the position they already have. The economic crisis in recent years has, in fact, contributed to this perception. The need to work often leads to the second factor, which is the lack of purpose. In other words, we devote ourselves to finding any job without looking at whether it is relevant to our field of study, whether we like it, whether it has sufficient wages or opportunities for growth.
Common mistakes in the workplace
It is not only psychological factors that cause career stagnation, as the employees themselves makes mistakes in the way they work, which pushes them further away from “something better”.
The most common mistake is not asking for help. There is a misconception that if one asks for help, one looks weak. That is not the case! By asking for help one learns to cooperate with other people, explores new perspectives and works on the weaknesses. Support from colleagues is sometimes necessary and valuable.
Still, one can become experience career stagnation because they does not develop cognitively. Many companies provide special training courses that enable employees to acquire new skills and develop as experts. But outside of the workplace, employees can still continue learning beyond what is acquired in their formal studies.
When an employee is seeking something better at work, like a raise or a promotion, they will most likely need to show that they themselves are entitled to that opportunity, without waiting for someone to offer it to them.
Boss – Mentor
There is nothing better than a pleasant working environment. It seems ideal, but it’s not impossible. If an employer finds that their employees are stagnating professionally it may be time to change tactics and create a supportive environment. Toxic environments create a bad image for a business and the will to work dwindles.
As mentioned above, developing one’s skills is essential. So investing in it is important to achieve the goals of employees and the business alike.
A final piece of advice
Work is like a second home, since many people spend a significant part of their day there. Therefore, it is crucial for employees to do something that fulfills them in order to improve their quality of life.